Hailsham Street Market
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Every Saturday in Vicarage Field from 8.30am to 1.30pm


[Text courtesy of Tranquil Treasures GB Etsy page]

Handmade jewelelry including wirewrapped earrings....

"Hi, I'm Sammy and this is my small jewellery business. The idea of opening a small earring business arose after I completed my uni music degree and moved back home. I was unable to get a job due to bad mental health and struggles to leave the house, so I took it upon myself to open a small business using what was left of my student loan.

It took a LOT of trial and error and has taken 6 months of hard work, research and time. I'm now at a point where i'm extremely happy and proud of my designs and the quality of my jewellery. My mental health is also in a much better place after seeking help. I'm now happy and extremely excited to have launched my jewellery design journey."

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Hailsham Street Market: Managed and operated by Hailsham Town Council, Inglenook, Market Street, Hailsham, BN27 2AE. For stall booking and trader enquiries call 01323 841702 or email enquiries@hailsham-tc.gov.uk
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